Fight the power!

9 Jan 2010

I went to enroll driving ytd and tml I will go do the TTT is like so troublesome coz I have to pass 2 practice plus theory trial test to take FTT.  THe FTT must take 2 weeks after the theory trial test. which means i have to study twice): AMK driving school is moving to woodlands which is kind of convenient for me since 856 can reach there but i have no idea where to alight.
On a happier note, I went shopping with Darren yesterday. T bar was having a sale, $20 per shirt which is like half price. So he bought 3 shirt and I bought 1.I think the shirt i going to save it till chinese new year eve to wear(: I got a dress from topshop and he got a polo tee from topman. Is super worth it to shop now since all shops are having SALES!


this is what darren bought. I just love the FIGHT THE POWER! shirt. Super cute

That were what we bought. A lot right all in just one day.
I going to shop after the theory trial test tml and hopefully can get some nice accessories(: Ciaos ppl

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