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Happy 14th Month!

I saw this in courts when my parents buying furniture. It is damn cool, it is like a vending machine.

Chou chou that darren bought for me for valentine day! No more sleepless night! Yay.

Happy 14th Month to You! Dar dar(: I love you. I know sometimes i have been mean to you. Ignore and treat you cold but you did not complain and still love me. Thank you. I really hope that we dont quarrel over small matters and be tgt foreva and ever(:

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Sylvester Bday!

Heart shaped Mayo(: Darren came across it one of the days during study break and took a photo of it. I think the auntie must have love him alot! haha. Use this to express her love.

19th Feb 10

We went to celebrate Sylvester 20th Bday. Went to Hooters at Clarke Quay. The food there was okay.


On the way home, my red ribbon. But i drop it cant find it anyway. Have been unlucky this few days, nothing has been going the way i want. Lost all my money on gambling. Lost my rubber band and clip which i just bought. Went to find it the next day, SOLD OUT): super sad. The swatch watch too. Hope my luck change for the better(:

Anyway i did my nails today. Quite satisfied with out. It turn out better than i expected. haha. Lazy to update on Valentine and cny. Shall do it when i have the mood(:

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Finally after how many days of studying. I’m free from reading memorising doing past year paper. It was terrible.

Overall Exams are okay except for PFP paper. Totally screw it up.

I’m going to enjoy my hoilday now(: Practical lesson starting on 4 March. Cant wait(: YIPEE!!!

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CNY is coming which means what exam comin too. I have to study during Cny coz my study break falls on CNY. Looks like i cannot enjoy my CNY this year. And Valentine day falls on the same day as cny. Haven able to celebrate with darren coz our scedule dont fit each other but decided to do a short celebration on saturday. haha cant wait! My Soft Toy!!!

Got back all my course grade. Those grades again. I have to buck up and studying during cny. And tml is last day of sch(: Yipee just one lecture. And streamboat at home. yummy=p

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Iphone Madness

Here is some update. Life have been busy. Comm skill test this sat and interview this mon. Haven study yet!

These few day, I have been sick and tired of studying. Keep on studying and yet result still the same.

Me in my sis spec(:  I love her spec so nice.

Monday after IF lecture, I went to play badminton with my sem 2.2 classmates. I seldom hang out with them. But after awhile it turn out to be like me and darren vs ql and jy. haha is like year 1. I miss 1B10): I hope there is a class gathering or what in the near future.

 After darren lesson, we went to amk hub after school to get darren iphone but starhub have no more stock of the white one so we went to douby graut.  The person say have to wait for 2hours. While waiting, we saw so many ppl buying iphone. One of them even bought 2 iphone. Super shocked to see so many ppl buy coz iphone come out so long already.

Ql new hair. she look much younger with her fringe short(:

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Happy 10th Anniversary

Shall do a short update. Ytd was my uncle and auntie wedding 10th anniversary. Went to Hilton Hotel for dinner(: The food was superb especially the shark fin and cheese cake. Yummy(:

Played with the coffee maker. Is damn cool, there is 3 flavours to choose from. Just choose the capsule and put it in, coffee come out. haha.

Did my nails today(: Light pink. I love the colour, is damn sweet.

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After 1 hour of Pfp lecture, Audi, Qiuling, Darren and Me went to Minds Cafe at safra. Reached there around 10.15 but the shop haven open.
 So we took pictures and play this! 
Haha me and ql team up VS dar and audi. Suffer a terrible loss. The guys owning the game. Me and ql just score one goal only. haha=P
After FOI lecture, Darren and I went to T3 to see SHINEE(: On our way there, saw esther and you know what, she is also on her way to go T3 to see SHINEE too!!! haha. Found out that is at T2 instead of T3. If not i think we will be the only one waiting for them at T3. Walked to all 3 terminals just to decide where to eat. Was dying of hunger on the way there.
Sky of that day.
Took this photo while taking the sky train.
Sit on darren shoulder so i can see SHINEE. haha. Poor him=P maybe is time for me to lose weight.
Look at the number of ppl there. The situation there was chaotic. The people keep on giving false alarm, shouting and shouting, squeeze here and there.  Waited for 3hours for SHINEE to arrive. And manage to get a glimpse of them. Didnt manage to see KEY. Took this blur photo. haha. Overall it was fun(:

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Took this picture on friday during the long break when jy was slping in the library. They look so sweet in this photo.

Have been sick since Sat after Int Fin test. No voice for almost a week. it sucks. Went to town with darren after Int Fin test. Was careless and lost quite a few marks. There goes my A):

Darren come to my hse on sunday and take care of me(: haha had lots of fun with him!

Went to cut and dye my hair brown today. I think is quite nice and the colour was not very obvious. haha darren have a new hairstyle too. cant wait to see him tml(:


 SHINEE is coming to sg tml!!! Going to T3 tml after sch to see them! KEY!!!

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60th Anniversary

Shall do some update on:

15 Jan 10

Went to do my nails with rachel after sch at amk. Student price so manicure  and pedicure for $18 until 31 jan. So rachel and i plan to go back on 30 jan to do our nails again(:

YELLOW(: haha
16th Jan
Grandparents 60th anniversary(: Got ready at 3pm and leave the house at 5pm. Reached meritus mandarin around 6 and start preparing for the event. Overall the food is nice and had lots of fun(:
Flowers of the day(: so many nice roses.
 The fabulous and delicious food. looking at it make me hungry=P

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Feeling sick now. Totally no voice, cant speak. All these must be due to this week. too stress and having dinner around 9 and slp around 2.  I hate to be sick. Darren i miss you):

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