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Vanilla Twilight

Vanilla Twilight

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

‘Cause I’ll doze off safe and soundly
But I’ll miss your arms around me
I’d send a postcard to you, dear
‘Cause I wish you were here

I’ll watch the night turn light-blue
But it’s not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn’t so bad
‘Til I look at my hands and feel sad
‘Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I’ll find repose in new ways
Though I haven’t slept in two days
‘Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I’ll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don’t feel so alone

I don’t feel so alone, I don’t feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I’ll think of you tonight
I’ll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I’ll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I’ll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won’t forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I’d whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here

Asked Rachel to send me this song when i come across it in her phone. Nice song with meaningful lyrics(: 

14th Jan

Rachel come to tp for the JAE. So after FOI tut, i went to meet her with her friends. Slack until darren lesson end and then went amk to eat and home.

15th Jan

Went to sch for 9am tut. I think is super stupid to go to sch every thur for just Int Fin tut which always less than 2h. The travelling time to sch and back is much longer than the time in sch! Today the teacher went through everything and she still dont allow us to leave the class keep waiting to drag the lesson. Almost the whole class have packed their bags and waiting for her but she still carry on with her talk.

After that went to yck to book my driving practical lesson. Start on 4 march cant wait, actually want to start the same date as darren which is 3 march but fully booked already so 4 march it will be. And for 20 session(:

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I never want it to happen again!

So many things happen recently. I quarrel with darren over some misunderstanding and  initiate a break up. I knew it was my fault to do this to you and hurt you deeply. I’m sorry.  But you choose to let me go since you say i will be happier that way. But it is not true, i needed you so much that if you are not in my life, i would felt something missing. My heart felt empty after you let me go. Cant seems to concentrate.

The next day, i was shocked to see you at the bus stop waiting for me. I was touched and wanted to cry but i control my tears. In the bus, you treated me so gentle with care and concern. Your actions make me so guilty and bad. Those gentle touch from you, pat my head. I knew i going to lose it, tears flow down without my control. It was so embarrassing crying in the bus. And you still bought a lollipop for me. I thought all these things was the last time i was going to experience it. I blame myself for initiating the break, it was inmature and selfish for me. I admit i was too rash. Sorry darren. But you willing to forgive me and try to treat it as nth happen. I really love it. If you have not done all these things, i would have hate myself so much for my imature. I think i would not find such a bf in my life.

We went to town since school end early and watched the movie ” hear me”. Overall, i would rate it 2 upon 5. Quite a boring show. After we went to eat and home sweet home(:  I Love You Darren.

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Fight the power!

9 Jan 2010

I went to enroll driving ytd and tml I will go do the TTT is like so troublesome coz I have to pass 2 practice plus theory trial test to take FTT.  THe FTT must take 2 weeks after the theory trial test. which means i have to study twice): AMK driving school is moving to woodlands which is kind of convenient for me since 856 can reach there but i have no idea where to alight.
On a happier note, I went shopping with Darren yesterday. T bar was having a sale, $20 per shirt which is like half price. So he bought 3 shirt and I bought 1.I think the shirt i going to save it till chinese new year eve to wear(: I got a dress from topshop and he got a polo tee from topman. Is super worth it to shop now since all shops are having SALES!


this is what darren bought. I just love the FIGHT THE POWER! shirt. Super cute

That were what we bought. A lot right all in just one day.
I going to shop after the theory trial test tml and hopefully can get some nice accessories(: Ciaos ppl

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I cant wait till tml where i go enrol my driving with darren. And hopefully can book my practical lesson(: cant wait. after that i suppose is town with darren(: Shopping with him! hope i can buy sth nice tml(:

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Numb from everything

I dont know what kind of feeling i’m having now. feels like my heart is numb. maybe used to how you treated me. you nvr once chased after me when we have quarrels or misunderstanding. I wonder why.. why is it always me who must chased after you when things happen. Sometimes people will be tired. And a msg is what you can do the best. i have no idea what should i do):

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The best thing about me is you(:

Went Tampines 1 today after dinner at KFC. Took alot of cute and funny photos of darren. Super funny! We try to shop for cny clothes and darren bought a blouse at Topman for $50. SUPER CHEAP please! Damn worth it after  40% off. Enjoyed my day with him. Long break tml, have to wait for 4hours just for a 30mins consultation. Sian

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Hello world!



I created a blog! Felt that it is a must to jolt down everything that happening to me. Ytd went out with darren to celebrate our one year! We went to Chinatown and walk. Nth much there but the things there are super cheap.


Walked to Central and realised there is alot of nice clothes(: Went to eat WARAKU and the waiter forget to add the pizza into the bill and thus we had FREE PIZZA! haha is it a sign that we will be lucky this year. Walked around and reached home at 1(:

I’m really enjoyed my day with you darren(: thank you so much for tolerating my childness and wilfulness. I know some times i had hurt you badly but you nvr once scolded me. You let me understand what love is and how wonderful and blind love is. I love you darren, in the past, now and i’m sure in the future too(:

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